本论论证结构解析如下: 1.并列结构式。该结构指本论主要部分是并列、平行的关系。 一般来讲,这类结构都有若干个小标题,这些小标题相互独立,都有各自的基本观点,共同阐述论文的中心论点,从理论到事实,从具体到抽象,从个别到一般,形成一个完整的论证体系。这些小标题也横向地反映了论文内在的逻辑关系。 并列结 [...]
Bank Law Notes – City of London Financial Markets
London is one the three largest financial markets in the world. While London originally grew as an international trading centre in parallel with the e [...]
Bank Law Notes – City of London Coffee Houses
One of the most curious and often ignored factors in the development of the City of London was the importance of the 'coffee house' as a place where m [...]
Financial Markets and Instruments
National and international financial systems are made up of a number of specific markets and sub-markets. These are generally divided into money and c [...]
Introduction to Financial Markets – Financial Function, Financial Regulation and Financial Future
Financial markets have assumed a new dominance in modern economic, political, commercial, social and cultural organisations. Most modern economies are [...]
毕业论文选题是非常重要的。如果选题不好,不仅会走弯路,而且会造成人力、财力的浪费。因而要对选题给予必要的重视。一般而言,教育论文选题注意以下几个方面的问题: 选题过大 选题过大是初进入研究阶段的人员常出现的问题,也是选题中 论减负》、 教育出现的一个突出的问题。如《论素质教育》、与社会关系的考察》、 [...]